package hdwallet import ( "crypto/ecdsa" "crypto/rand" "errors" "fmt" "math/big" "os" "sync" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // DefaultRootDerivationPath is the root path to which custom derivation endpoints // are appended. As such, the first account will be at m/44'/60'/0'/0, the second // at m/44'/60'/0'/1, etc. var DefaultRootDerivationPath = accounts.DefaultRootDerivationPath // DefaultBaseDerivationPath is the base path from which custom derivation endpoints // are incremented. As such, the first account will be at m/44'/60'/0'/0, the second // at m/44'/60'/0'/1, etc var DefaultBaseDerivationPath = accounts.DefaultBaseDerivationPath const issue179FixEnvar = "GO_ETHEREUM_HDWALLET_FIX_ISSUE_179" // Wallet is the underlying wallet struct. type Wallet struct { mnemonic string masterKey *hdkeychain.ExtendedKey seed []byte url accounts.URL paths map[common.Address]accounts.DerivationPath accounts []accounts.Account stateLock sync.RWMutex fixIssue172 bool } func newWallet(seed []byte) (*Wallet, error) { masterKey, err := hdkeychain.NewMaster(seed, &chaincfg.MainNetParams) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &Wallet{ masterKey: masterKey, seed: seed, accounts: []accounts.Account{}, paths: map[common.Address]accounts.DerivationPath{}, fixIssue172: false || len(os.Getenv(issue179FixEnvar)) > 0, }, nil } // NewFromMnemonic returns a new wallet from a BIP-39 mnemonic. func NewFromMnemonic(mnemonic string, passOpt ...string) (*Wallet, error) { if mnemonic == "" { return nil, errors.New("mnemonic is required") } if !bip39.IsMnemonicValid(mnemonic) { return nil, errors.New("mnemonic is invalid") } seed, err := NewSeedFromMnemonic(mnemonic, passOpt...) if err != nil { return nil, err } wallet, err := newWallet(seed) if err != nil { return nil, err } wallet.mnemonic = mnemonic return wallet, nil } // NewFromSeed returns a new wallet from a BIP-39 seed. func NewFromSeed(seed []byte) (*Wallet, error) { if len(seed) == 0 { return nil, errors.New("seed is required") } return newWallet(seed) } // URL implements accounts.Wallet, returning the URL of the device that // the wallet is on, however this does nothing since this is not a hardware device. func (w *Wallet) URL() accounts.URL { return w.url } // Status implements accounts.Wallet, returning a custom status message // from the underlying vendor-specific hardware wallet implementation, // however this does nothing since this is not a hardware device. func (w *Wallet) Status() (string, error) { return "ok", nil } // Open implements accounts.Wallet, however this does nothing since this // is not a hardware device. func (w *Wallet) Open(passphrase string) error { return nil } // Close implements accounts.Wallet, however this does nothing since this // is not a hardware device. func (w *Wallet) Close() error { return nil } // Accounts implements accounts.Wallet, returning the list of accounts pinned to // the wallet. If self-derivation was enabled, the account list is // periodically expanded based on current chain state. func (w *Wallet) Accounts() []accounts.Account { // Attempt self-derivation if it's running // Return whatever account list we ended up with w.stateLock.RLock() defer w.stateLock.RUnlock() cpy := make([]accounts.Account, len(w.accounts)) copy(cpy, w.accounts) return cpy } // Contains implements accounts.Wallet, returning whether a particular account is // or is not pinned into this wallet instance. func (w *Wallet) Contains(account accounts.Account) bool { w.stateLock.RLock() defer w.stateLock.RUnlock() _, exists := w.paths[account.Address] return exists } // Unpin unpins account from list of pinned accounts. func (w *Wallet) Unpin(account accounts.Account) error { w.stateLock.RLock() defer w.stateLock.RUnlock() for i, acct := range w.accounts { if acct.Address.String() == account.Address.String() { w.accounts = removeAtIndex(w.accounts, i) delete(w.paths, account.Address) return nil } } return errors.New("account not found") } // SetFixIssue172 determines whether the standard (correct) bip39 // derivation path was used, or if derivation should be affected by // Issue172 [0] which was how this library was originally implemented. // [0] func (w *Wallet) SetFixIssue172(fixIssue172 bool) { w.fixIssue172 = fixIssue172 } // Derive implements accounts.Wallet, deriving a new account at the specific // derivation path. If pin is set to true, the account will be added to the list // of tracked accounts. func (w *Wallet) Derive(path accounts.DerivationPath, pin bool) (accounts.Account, error) { // Try to derive the actual account and update its URL if successful w.stateLock.RLock() // Avoid device disappearing during derivation address, err := w.deriveAddress(path) w.stateLock.RUnlock() // If an error occurred or no pinning was requested, return if err != nil { return accounts.Account{}, err } account := accounts.Account{ Address: address, URL: accounts.URL{ Scheme: "", Path: path.String(), }, } if !pin { return account, nil } // Pinning needs to modify the state w.stateLock.Lock() defer w.stateLock.Unlock() if _, ok := w.paths[address]; !ok { w.accounts = append(w.accounts, account) w.paths[address] = path } return account, nil } // SelfDerive implements accounts.Wallet, trying to discover accounts that the // user used previously (based on the chain state), but ones that he/she did not // explicitly pin to the wallet manually. To avoid chain head monitoring, self // derivation only runs during account listing (and even then throttled). func (w *Wallet) SelfDerive(base []accounts.DerivationPath, chain ethereum.ChainStateReader) { // TODO: self derivation } // SignHash implements accounts.Wallet, which allows signing arbitrary data. func (w *Wallet) SignHash(account accounts.Account, hash []byte) ([]byte, error) { // Make sure the requested account is contained within path, ok := w.paths[account.Address] if !ok { return nil, accounts.ErrUnknownAccount } privateKey, err := w.derivePrivateKey(path) if err != nil { return nil, err } return crypto.Sign(hash, privateKey) } // SignTxEIP155 implements accounts.Wallet, which allows the account to sign an ERC-20 transaction. func (w *Wallet) SignTxEIP155(account accounts.Account, tx *types.Transaction, chainID *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { w.stateLock.RLock() // Comms have own mutex, this is for the state fields defer w.stateLock.RUnlock() // Make sure the requested account is contained within path, ok := w.paths[account.Address] if !ok { return nil, accounts.ErrUnknownAccount } privateKey, err := w.derivePrivateKey(path) if err != nil { return nil, err } signer := types.NewEIP155Signer(chainID) // Sign the transaction and verify the sender to avoid hardware fault surprises signedTx, err := types.SignTx(tx, signer, privateKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } sender, err := types.Sender(signer, signedTx) if err != nil { return nil, err } if sender != account.Address { return nil, fmt.Errorf("signer mismatch: expected %s, got %s", account.Address.Hex(), sender.Hex()) } return signedTx, nil } // SignTx implements accounts.Wallet, which allows the account to sign an Ethereum transaction. func (w *Wallet) SignTx(account accounts.Account, tx *types.Transaction, chainID *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { w.stateLock.RLock() // Comms have own mutex, this is for the state fields defer w.stateLock.RUnlock() // Make sure the requested account is contained within path, ok := w.paths[account.Address] if !ok { return nil, accounts.ErrUnknownAccount } privateKey, err := w.derivePrivateKey(path) if err != nil { return nil, err } signer := types.LatestSignerForChainID(chainID) // Sign the transaction and verify the sender to avoid hardware fault surprises signedTx, err := types.SignTx(tx, signer, privateKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } sender, err := types.Sender(signer, signedTx) if err != nil { return nil, err } if sender != account.Address { return nil, fmt.Errorf("signer mismatch: expected %s, got %s", account.Address.Hex(), sender.Hex()) } return signedTx, nil } // SignHashWithPassphrase implements accounts.Wallet, attempting // to sign the given hash with the given account using the // passphrase as extra authentication. func (w *Wallet) SignHashWithPassphrase(account accounts.Account, passphrase string, hash []byte) ([]byte, error) { return w.SignHash(account, hash) } // SignTxWithPassphrase implements accounts.Wallet, attempting to sign the given // transaction with the given account using passphrase as extra authentication. func (w *Wallet) SignTxWithPassphrase(account accounts.Account, passphrase string, tx *types.Transaction, chainID *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return w.SignTx(account, tx, chainID) } // PrivateKey returns the ECDSA private key of the account. func (w *Wallet) PrivateKey(account accounts.Account) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, error) { path, err := ParseDerivationPath(account.URL.Path) if err != nil { return nil, err } return w.derivePrivateKey(path) } // PrivateKeyBytes returns the ECDSA private key in bytes format of the account. func (w *Wallet) PrivateKeyBytes(account accounts.Account) ([]byte, error) { privateKey, err := w.PrivateKey(account) if err != nil { return nil, err } return crypto.FromECDSA(privateKey), nil } // PrivateKeyHex return the ECDSA private key in hex string format of the account. func (w *Wallet) PrivateKeyHex(account accounts.Account) (string, error) { privateKeyBytes, err := w.PrivateKeyBytes(account) if err != nil { return "", err } return hexutil.Encode(privateKeyBytes)[2:], nil } // PublicKey returns the ECDSA public key of the account. func (w *Wallet) PublicKey(account accounts.Account) (*ecdsa.PublicKey, error) { path, err := ParseDerivationPath(account.URL.Path) if err != nil { return nil, err } return w.derivePublicKey(path) } // PublicKeyBytes returns the ECDSA public key in bytes format of the account. func (w *Wallet) PublicKeyBytes(account accounts.Account) ([]byte, error) { publicKey, err := w.PublicKey(account) if err != nil { return nil, err } return crypto.FromECDSAPub(publicKey), nil } // PublicKeyHex return the ECDSA public key in hex string format of the account. func (w *Wallet) PublicKeyHex(account accounts.Account) (string, error) { publicKeyBytes, err := w.PublicKeyBytes(account) if err != nil { return "", err } return hexutil.Encode(publicKeyBytes)[4:], nil } // Address returns the address of the account. func (w *Wallet) Address(account accounts.Account) (common.Address, error) { publicKey, err := w.PublicKey(account) if err != nil { return common.Address{}, err } return crypto.PubkeyToAddress(*publicKey), nil } // AddressBytes returns the address in bytes format of the account. func (w *Wallet) AddressBytes(account accounts.Account) ([]byte, error) { address, err := w.Address(account) if err != nil { return nil, err } return address.Bytes(), nil } // AddressHex returns the address in hex string format of the account. func (w *Wallet) AddressHex(account accounts.Account) (string, error) { address, err := w.Address(account) if err != nil { return "", err } return address.Hex(), nil } // Path return the derivation path of the account. func (w *Wallet) Path(account accounts.Account) (string, error) { return account.URL.Path, nil } // SignData signs keccak256(data). The mimetype parameter describes the type of data being signed func (w *Wallet) SignData(account accounts.Account, mimeType string, data []byte) ([]byte, error) { // Make sure the requested account is contained within if !w.Contains(account) { return nil, accounts.ErrUnknownAccount } return w.SignHash(account, crypto.Keccak256(data)) } // SignDataWithPassphrase signs keccak256(data). The mimetype parameter describes the type of data being signed func (w *Wallet) SignDataWithPassphrase(account accounts.Account, passphrase, mimeType string, data []byte) ([]byte, error) { // Make sure the requested account is contained within if !w.Contains(account) { return nil, accounts.ErrUnknownAccount } return w.SignHashWithPassphrase(account, passphrase, crypto.Keccak256(data)) } // SignText requests the wallet to sign the hash of a given piece of data, prefixed // the needed details via SignHashWithPassphrase, or by other means (e.g. unlock // the account in a keystore). func (w *Wallet) SignText(account accounts.Account, text []byte) ([]byte, error) { // Make sure the requested account is contained within if !w.Contains(account) { return nil, accounts.ErrUnknownAccount } return w.SignHash(account, accounts.TextHash(text)) } // SignTextWithPassphrase implements accounts.Wallet, attempting to sign the // given text (which is hashed) with the given account using passphrase as extra authentication. func (w *Wallet) SignTextWithPassphrase(account accounts.Account, passphrase string, text []byte) ([]byte, error) { // Make sure the requested account is contained within if !w.Contains(account) { return nil, accounts.ErrUnknownAccount } return w.SignHashWithPassphrase(account, passphrase, accounts.TextHash(text)) } // ParseDerivationPath parses the derivation path in string format into []uint32 func ParseDerivationPath(path string) (accounts.DerivationPath, error) { return accounts.ParseDerivationPath(path) } // MustParseDerivationPath parses the derivation path in string format into // []uint32 but will panic if it can't parse it. func MustParseDerivationPath(path string) accounts.DerivationPath { parsed, err := accounts.ParseDerivationPath(path) if err != nil { panic(err) } return parsed } // NewMnemonic returns a randomly generated BIP-39 mnemonic using 128-256 bits of entropy. func NewMnemonic(bits int) (string, error) { entropy, err := bip39.NewEntropy(bits) if err != nil { return "", err } return bip39.NewMnemonic(entropy) } // NewMnemonicFromEntropy returns a BIP-39 mnemonic from entropy. func NewMnemonicFromEntropy(entropy []byte) (string, error) { return bip39.NewMnemonic(entropy) } // NewEntropy returns a randomly generated entropy. func NewEntropy(bits int) ([]byte, error) { return bip39.NewEntropy(bits) } // NewSeed returns a randomly generated BIP-39 seed. func NewSeed() ([]byte, error) { b := make([]byte, 64) _, err := rand.Read(b) return b, err } // NewSeedFromMnemonic returns a BIP-39 seed based on a BIP-39 mnemonic. func NewSeedFromMnemonic(mnemonic string, passOpt ...string) ([]byte, error) { if mnemonic == "" { return nil, errors.New("mnemonic is required") } password := "" if len(passOpt) > 0 { password = passOpt[0] } return bip39.NewSeedWithErrorChecking(mnemonic, password) } // DerivePrivateKey derives the private key of the derivation path. func (w *Wallet) derivePrivateKey(path accounts.DerivationPath) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, error) { var err error key := w.masterKey for _, n := range path { if w.fixIssue172 && key.IsAffectedByIssue172() { key, err = key.Derive(n) } else { key, err = key.DeriveNonStandard(n) } if err != nil { return nil, err } } privateKey, err := key.ECPrivKey() privateKeyECDSA := privateKey.ToECDSA() if err != nil { return nil, err } return privateKeyECDSA, nil } // DerivePublicKey derives the public key of the derivation path. func (w *Wallet) derivePublicKey(path accounts.DerivationPath) (*ecdsa.PublicKey, error) { privateKeyECDSA, err := w.derivePrivateKey(path) if err != nil { return nil, err } publicKey := privateKeyECDSA.Public() publicKeyECDSA, ok := publicKey.(*ecdsa.PublicKey) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("failed to get public key") } return publicKeyECDSA, nil } // DeriveAddress derives the account address of the derivation path. func (w *Wallet) deriveAddress(path accounts.DerivationPath) (common.Address, error) { publicKeyECDSA, err := w.derivePublicKey(path) if err != nil { return common.Address{}, err } address := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(*publicKeyECDSA) return address, nil } // removeAtIndex removes an account at index. func removeAtIndex(accts []accounts.Account, index int) []accounts.Account { return append(accts[:index], accts[index+1:]...) }