package organizations import ( "context" "database/sql" "errors" "fmt" "time" sq "" "" sqltools "" "" "" "" ) var ( ErrorNotFound = errors.New("not found") ) type GetParams struct { Ids uuid.UUIDs UserId uuid.UUID OffsetDate time.Time CursorId uuid.UUID Limit int64 } type ParticipantsParams struct { OrganizationId uuid.UUID Ids uuid.UUIDs // Filters UsersOnly bool ActiveOnly bool EmployeesOnly bool } type AddParticipantParams struct { OrganizationId uuid.UUID UserId uuid.UUID EmployeeId uuid.UUID IsAdmin bool IsOwner bool } type DeleteParticipantParams struct { OrganizationId uuid.UUID UserId uuid.UUID EmployeeId uuid.UUID } type Repository interface { Create(ctx context.Context, org models.Organization) error Get(ctx context.Context, params GetParams) ([]*models.Organization, error) Update(ctx context.Context, org models.Organization) error Delete(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) error AddParticipant(ctx context.Context, params AddParticipantParams) error Participants(ctx context.Context, params ParticipantsParams) ([]models.OrganizationParticipant, error) CreateAndAdd(ctx context.Context, org models.Organization, user *models.User) error DeleteParticipant(ctx context.Context, params DeleteParticipantParams) error AddEmployee(ctx context.Context, employee models.Employee) error } type repositorySQL struct { db *sql.DB usersRepository users.Repository } func NewRepository( db *sql.DB, usersRepository users.Repository, ) Repository { return &repositorySQL{ db: db, usersRepository: usersRepository, } } func (s *repositorySQL) Conn(ctx context.Context) sqltools.DBTX { if tx, ok := ctx.Value(sqltools.TxCtxKey).(*sql.Tx); ok { return tx } return s.db } func (r *repositorySQL) Create(ctx context.Context, org models.Organization) error { if err := sqltools.Transaction(ctx, r.db, func(ctx context.Context) (err error) { query := sq.Insert("organizations").Columns( "id", "name", "address", "wallet_seed", "created_at", "updated_at", ).Values( org.ID, org.Name, org.Address, org.WalletSeed, org.CreatedAt, org.UpdatedAt, ).PlaceholderFormat(sq.Dollar) if _, err := query.RunWith(r.Conn(ctx)).ExecContext(ctx); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error insert new organization. %w", err) } return nil }); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (r *repositorySQL) Get(ctx context.Context, params GetParams) ([]*models.Organization, error) { organizations := make([]*models.Organization, 0, params.Limit) if err := sqltools.Transaction(ctx, r.db, func(ctx context.Context) (err error) { query := sq.Select( "", "", "o.address", "o.wallet_seed", "o.created_at", "o.updated_at", ).From("organizations as o"). Limit(uint64(params.Limit)). PlaceholderFormat(sq.Dollar) if params.UserId != uuid.Nil { query = query.InnerJoin("organizations_users as ou on = ou.organization_id"). Where(sq.Eq{ "ou.user_id": params.UserId, }) } if params.CursorId != uuid.Nil { query = query.Where(sq.Gt{ "": params.CursorId, }) } if params.Ids != nil { query = query.Where(sq.Eq{ "": params.Ids, }) } if !params.OffsetDate.IsZero() { query = query.Where(sq.GtOrEq{ "o.updated_at": params.OffsetDate, }) } rows, err := query.RunWith(r.Conn(ctx)).QueryContext(ctx) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error fetch organizations from database. %w", err) } defer func() { if closeErr := rows.Close(); closeErr != nil { err = errors.Join(fmt.Errorf("error close rows. %w", closeErr), err) } }() for rows.Next() { var ( id uuid.UUID name string address string walletSeed []byte createdAt time.Time updatedAt time.Time ) if err = rows.Scan( &id, &name, &address, &walletSeed, &createdAt, &updatedAt, ); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error scan row. %w", err) } organizations = append(organizations, &models.Organization{ ID: id, Name: name, Address: address, WalletSeed: walletSeed, CreatedAt: createdAt, UpdatedAt: updatedAt, }) } return nil }); err != nil { return nil, err } return organizations, nil } func (r *repositorySQL) Update(ctx context.Context, org models.Organization) error { if err := sqltools.Transaction(ctx, r.db, func(ctx context.Context) (err error) { query := sq.Update("organizations as o"). SetMap(sq.Eq{ "": org.Name, "o.address": org.Address, "o.wallet_seed": org.WalletSeed, "o.created_at": org.CreatedAt, "o.updated_at": org.UpdatedAt, }). Where(sq.Eq{ "": org.ID, }). PlaceholderFormat(sq.Dollar) if _, err := query.RunWith(r.Conn(ctx)).ExecContext(ctx); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error update organization. %w", err) } return nil }); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (r *repositorySQL) Delete(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) error { if err := sqltools.Transaction(ctx, r.db, func(ctx context.Context) (err error) { query := sq.Delete("organizations as o"). Where(sq.Eq{ "": id, }). PlaceholderFormat(sq.Dollar) if _, err := query.RunWith(r.Conn(ctx)).ExecContext(ctx); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error delete organization. %w", err) } return nil }); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (r *repositorySQL) CreateAndAdd(ctx context.Context, org models.Organization, user *models.User) error { if err := sqltools.Transaction(ctx, r.db, func(ctx context.Context) (err error) { if err := r.Create(ctx, org); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error create organization. %w", err) } if err := r.AddParticipant(ctx, AddParticipantParams{ OrganizationId: org.ID, UserId: user.Id(), IsAdmin: true, IsOwner: true, }); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error add user to newly created organization. %w", err) } return nil }); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (r *repositorySQL) AddParticipant(ctx context.Context, params AddParticipantParams) error { if err := sqltools.Transaction(ctx, r.db, func(ctx context.Context) (err error) { query := sq.Insert("organizations_users"). Columns( "organization_id", "user_id", "employee_id", "added_at", "updated_at", "is_admin", "is_owner", ). Values( params.OrganizationId, params.UserId, params.EmployeeId, time.Now(), time.Now(), params.IsAdmin, params.IsOwner, ). PlaceholderFormat(sq.Dollar) if _, err := query.RunWith(r.Conn(ctx)).ExecContext(ctx); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error add new participant to organization. %w", err) } return nil }); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (r *repositorySQL) DeleteParticipant(ctx context.Context, params DeleteParticipantParams) error { if err := sqltools.Transaction(ctx, r.db, func(ctx context.Context) (err error) { deletedAt := time.Now() query := sq.Update("organizations_users as ou"). SetMap(sq.Eq{ "updated_at": deletedAt, "deleted_at": deletedAt, "is_admin": false, }). Where(sq.Eq{ "ou.organization_id": params.OrganizationId, }). PlaceholderFormat(sq.Dollar) if params.EmployeeId != uuid.Nil { query = query.Where(sq.Eq{ "ou.employee_id": params.EmployeeId, }) } if params.UserId != uuid.Nil { query = query.Where(sq.Eq{ "ou.user_id": params.UserId, }) } if _, err := query.RunWith(r.Conn(ctx)).ExecContext(ctx); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error delete participant from organization. %w", err) } return nil }); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (r *repositorySQL) Participants( ctx context.Context, params ParticipantsParams, ) ([]models.OrganizationParticipant, error) { participants := make([]models.OrganizationParticipant, 0, len(params.Ids)) if err := sqltools.Transaction(ctx, r.db, func(ctx context.Context) (err error) { orgUsersModels := make([]fetchOrganizationUsersModel, 0, len(params.Ids)) ouQuery := sq.Select( "ou.organization_id", "ou.user_id", "ou.employee_id", "ou.position", "ou.added_at", "ou.updated_at", "ou.deleted_at", "ou.is_admin", "ou.is_owner", ).Where(sq.Eq{ "ou.organization_id": params.OrganizationId, }).From("organizations_users as ou"). PlaceholderFormat(sq.Dollar) if len(params.Ids) > 0 { ouQuery = ouQuery.Where( sq.Or{ sq.Eq{ "ou.user_id": params.Ids, }, sq.Eq{ "ou.employee_id": params.Ids, }, }, ) } rows, err := ouQuery.RunWith(r.Conn(ctx)).QueryContext(ctx) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error fetch organization participants. %w", err) } defer func() { if closeErr := rows.Close(); closeErr != nil { err = errors.Join(fmt.Errorf("error close rows. %w", closeErr), err) } }() for rows.Next() { var ( organizationID uuid.UUID userID uuid.UUID employeeID uuid.UUID position sql.NullString addedAt time.Time updatedAt time.Time deletedAt sql.NullTime isAdmin bool isOwner bool ) if err = rows.Scan( &organizationID, &userID, &employeeID, &position, &addedAt, &updatedAt, &deletedAt, &isAdmin, &isOwner, ); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error scan row. %w", err) } if params.EmployeesOnly && employeeID == uuid.Nil { continue } if params.UsersOnly && userID == uuid.Nil { continue } if params.ActiveOnly && deletedAt.Valid { continue } orgUsersModels = append(orgUsersModels, fetchOrganizationUsersModel{ organizationID: organizationID, userID: userID, employeeID: employeeID, position: position.String, addedAt: addedAt, updatedAt: updatedAt, deletedAt: deletedAt.Time, isAdmin: isAdmin, isOwner: isOwner, }) } eg, _ := errgroup.WithContext(ctx) var employees []*models.Employee = make([]*models.Employee, 0, len(orgUsersModels)) if !params.UsersOnly { eg.Go(func() error { ids := make(uuid.UUIDs, 0, len(orgUsersModels)) for _, m := range orgUsersModels { if m.employeeID != uuid.Nil { ids = append(ids, m.employeeID) } } query := sq.Select( "", "", "e.user_id", "e.organization_id", "e.wallet_address", "e.created_at", "e.updated_at", ).Where(sq.Eq{ "e.organization_id": params.OrganizationId, }).From("employees as e"). PlaceholderFormat(sq.Dollar) if len(ids) > 0 { query = query.Where(sq.Eq{ "": ids, }) } rows, err := query.RunWith(r.Conn(ctx)).QueryContext(ctx) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error fetch employees from database. %w", err) } defer func() { if closeErr := rows.Close(); closeErr != nil { err = errors.Join(fmt.Errorf("error close rows. %w", closeErr), err) } }() for rows.Next() { var ( id uuid.UUID name string userID uuid.UUID orgID uuid.UUID walletAddr []byte createdAt time.Time updatedAt time.Time ) if err = rows.Scan( &id, &name, &userID, &orgID, &walletAddr, &createdAt, &updatedAt, ); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error scan row. %w", err) } employees = append(employees, &models.Employee{ ID: id, EmployeeName: name, UserID: userID, OrganizationId: orgID, WalletAddress: walletAddr, CreatedAt: createdAt, UpdatedAt: updatedAt, }) } return nil }) } var usrs []*models.User if !params.EmployeesOnly { eg.Go(func() error { ids := make(uuid.UUIDs, 0, len(orgUsersModels)) for _, m := range orgUsersModels { if m.userID != uuid.Nil { ids = append(ids, m.userID) } } usersCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 3*time.Second) defer cancel() usrs, err = r.usersRepository.Get(usersCtx, users.GetParams{ Ids: ids, }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error fetch users by ids. %w", err) } return nil }) } if err = eg.Wait(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error organizations users entitiels. %w", err) } for _, ou := range orgUsersModels { var employee *models.Employee if ou.employeeID != uuid.Nil { for _, e := range employees { if e.ID == ou.employeeID { employee = e break } } } if ou.userID == uuid.Nil && employee != nil { participants = append(participants, employee) } for _, u := range usrs { if u.Id() == ou.userID { participants = append(participants, &models.OrganizationUser{ User: *u, OrgPosition: ou.position, Admin: ou.isAdmin, Owner: ou.isOwner, Employee: employee, CreatedAt: ou.addedAt, UpdatedAt: ou.updatedAt, DeletedAt: ou.deletedAt, }) break } } } return nil }); err != nil { return nil, err } if len(participants) == 0 { return nil, ErrorNotFound } return participants, nil } type fetchOrganizationUsersModel struct { organizationID uuid.UUID userID uuid.UUID employeeID uuid.UUID position string addedAt time.Time updatedAt time.Time deletedAt time.Time isAdmin bool isOwner bool } func (r *repositorySQL) fetchOrganizationUsers( ctx context.Context, params ParticipantsParams, ) ([]fetchOrganizationUsersModel, error) { participants := make([]fetchOrganizationUsersModel, 0, len(params.Ids)) if err := sqltools.Transaction(ctx, r.db, func(ctx context.Context) (err error) { ouQuery := sq.Select( "ou.organization_id", "ou.user_id", "ou.employee_id", "ou.position", "ou.added_at", "ou.updated_at", "ou.deleted_at", "ou.is_admin", "ou.is_owner", ).Where(sq.Eq{ "ou.organization_id": params.OrganizationId, }).From("organizations_users as ou"). PlaceholderFormat(sq.Dollar) if len(params.Ids) > 0 { ouQuery = ouQuery.Where(sq.Eq{ "ou.user_id": params.Ids, }) } rows, err := ouQuery.RunWith(r.Conn(ctx)).QueryContext(ctx) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error fetch organization participants. %w", err) } defer func() { if closeErr := rows.Close(); closeErr != nil { err = errors.Join(fmt.Errorf("error close rows. %w", closeErr), err) } }() for rows.Next() { var ( organizationID uuid.UUID userID uuid.UUID employeeID uuid.UUID position sql.NullString addedAt time.Time updatedAt time.Time deletedAt sql.NullTime isAdmin bool isOwner bool ) if err = rows.Scan( &organizationID, &userID, &employeeID, &position, &addedAt, &updatedAt, &deletedAt, &isAdmin, &isOwner, ); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error scan row. %w", err) } if params.EmployeesOnly && employeeID == uuid.Nil { continue } if params.UsersOnly && userID == uuid.Nil { continue } if params.ActiveOnly && deletedAt.Valid { continue } participants = append(participants, fetchOrganizationUsersModel{ organizationID: organizationID, userID: userID, employeeID: employeeID, position: position.String, addedAt: addedAt, updatedAt: updatedAt, deletedAt: deletedAt.Time, isAdmin: isAdmin, isOwner: isAdmin, }) } return err }); err != nil { return nil, err } return participants, nil } type fetchEmployeesParams struct { IDs uuid.UUIDs OrganizationId uuid.UUID } func (r *repositorySQL) fetchEmployees( ctx context.Context, params fetchEmployeesParams, ) ([]*models.Employee, error) { employees := make([]*models.Employee, 0, len(params.IDs)) if err := sqltools.Transaction(ctx, r.db, func(ctx context.Context) (err error) { query := sq.Select( "", "e.user_id", "e.organization_id", "e.wallet_address", "e.created_at", "e.updated_at", ).Where(sq.Eq{ "e.organization_id": params.OrganizationId, }).From("employees as e"). PlaceholderFormat(sq.Dollar) if len(params.IDs) > 0 { query = query.Where(sq.Eq{ "": params.IDs, }) } rows, err := query.RunWith(r.Conn(ctx)).QueryContext(ctx) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error fetch employees from database. %w", err) } defer func() { if closeErr := rows.Close(); closeErr != nil { err = errors.Join(fmt.Errorf("error close rows. %w", closeErr), err) } }() for rows.Next() { var ( id uuid.UUID userID uuid.UUID orgID uuid.UUID walletAddr []byte createdAt time.Time updatedAt time.Time ) if err = rows.Scan( &id, &userID, &orgID, &walletAddr, &createdAt, &updatedAt, ); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error scan row. %w", err) } employees = append(employees, &models.Employee{ ID: id, UserID: userID, OrganizationId: orgID, WalletAddress: walletAddr, CreatedAt: createdAt, UpdatedAt: updatedAt, }) } return nil }); err != nil { return nil, err } return employees, nil } func (r *repositorySQL) AddEmployee(ctx context.Context, employee models.Employee) error { if err := sqltools.Transaction(ctx, r.db, func(ctx context.Context) error { query := sq.Insert("employees").Columns( "id", "user_id", "organization_id", "wallet_address", "created_at", "updated_at", ).Values( employee.ID, employee.UserID, employee.OrganizationId, employee.WalletAddress, employee.CreatedAt, employee.UpdatedAt, ).PlaceholderFormat(sq.Dollar) if _, err := query.RunWith(r.Conn(ctx)).ExecContext(ctx); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error add employee. %w", err) } if err := r.AddParticipant(ctx, AddParticipantParams{ OrganizationId: employee.OrganizationId, UserId: employee.UserID, EmployeeId: employee.ID, }); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error add employee to organization. %w", err) } return nil }); err != nil { return err } return nil }