# blockd backend ## Build ### Locally 1. Install Go >= 1.22 ``` sh curl -LO https://get.golang.org/$(uname)/go_installer && \ chmod +x go_installer && \ ./go_installer && \ rm go_installer ``` 2. Install docker: ``` sh output=$(which docker); if [ -z "${output}" ]; then sudo dnf remove docker \ docker-client \ docker-client-latest \ docker-common \ docker-latest \ docker-latest-logrotate \ docker-logrotate \ docker-selinux \ docker-engine-selinux \ docker-engine sudo apt -y install dnf-plugins-core sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/fedora/docker-ce.repo sudo dnf install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin sudo systemctl start docker fi ``` 3. Build it!: ``` sh make bin.build ``` 4. Start the server: ``` sh make d.net && \ sudo docker compose up blockd-db -d && \ make run.debug ``` Or ``` sh make d.net && \ sudo docker compose up blockd-db -d && \ make run.local ``` ### Docker Just run ``` sh make up ``` # API Request content type: application/json Response content type: application/json ## POST **/join** Register ### Request body: * name (string, optional) * credentals (object, optional) credentals.email (string, optional) credentals.phone (string, optional) credentals.telegram (string, optional) * mnemonic (string, **required**) ### Example Request: ``` bash curl --location 'http://localhost:8081/join' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "name": "Bladee The Grand Drainer", "credentals": { "email": "bladeee@gmail.com", "phone": "+79999999999", "telegram": "@thebladee" }, "mnemonic":"airport donate language disagree dumb access insect tribe ozone humor foot jealous much digital confirm" }' ``` Response: ``` json { "token": "token", "token_expired_at": 1715975501581, "refresh_token": "refresh_token", "refresh_token_expired_at": 1716407501581 } ``` ## POST **/login** Login ### Request body: * mnemonic (string, **required**) ### Example Request: ``` bash curl --location 'http://localhost:8081/login' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "mnemonic":"airport donate language disagree dumb access insect tribe ozone humor foot jealous much digital confirm" }' ``` Response: ``` json { "token": "token", "token_expired_at": 1715975501581, "refresh_token": "refresh_token", "refresh_token_expired_at": 1716407501581 } ``` ## POST **/refresh** Get new token ### Request body: * token (string, **required**) * refresh_token (string, **required**) ### Example Request: ``` bash curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8081/refresh' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "token": "token", "refresh_token": "refresh_token" }' ``` Response: ``` json { "token": "token", "token_expired_at": 1715975501581, "refresh_token": "refresh_token", "refresh_token_expired_at": 1716407501581 } ``` ## POST **/organizations** Create new organization ### Request body: * name (string, **required**) * address (string, optional) * wallet_mnemonic (string, optional. *if not provided, creators mnemonic will me used*) ### Example Request: ``` bash curl --location 'http://localhost:8081/organizations' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MTU0NTY4Mzg4NTAsInVpZCI6ImI2NmU1Mjk4LTU1ZTctNGIxNy1hYzliLTA0MzU3YjBlN2Q0ZSJ9.K1I0QoZEdDYK_HEsJ0PdWOfZ8ugTcPfLqy7fHhvK9nk' \ --data '{ "name": "The Drain Gang Inc", "address": "Backsippestigen 22, 432 36 Varberg, Sweden" }' ``` Response: ``` json { "id": "dfac7846-0f0a-11ef-9262-0242ac120002" } ``` ## GET **/organizations** Fets list of organizations ### Request body: * cursor (string, optional) * limit (uint8, optional. Max:50, Default:50) * offset_date (uint63, optional. *time as unix milli*) ### Example Request: ``` bash curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8081/organizations' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MTU4OTU4MTc3MDYsInVpZCI6IjUyNTNkMzdjLTMxZDQtNDgxMi1iZTcxLWE5ODQwMTVlNGVlMyJ9.YjjHWz7FiMM73e-98pZYHCW9tKDZ_mRWKG3m1PcVTo0' \ --data '{ "limit":5, "cursor":"eyJpZCI6IjAxOGY2ZTc3LWUxNDMtNzcyZi04NjJkLTlkZDM5NzUxYTZkMyJ9" }' ``` Response: ``` json { "_type": "organizations", "_links": { "self": { "href": "/organizations" } }, "items": [ { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/organizations/018f6e77-ebcc-7547-bc84-2556fbf12300" } }, "id": "018f6e77-ebcc-7547-bc84-2556fbf12300", "name": "The Drain Gang Inc 6", "address": "1", "created_at": 1715556104012, "updated_at": 1715556104012 }, { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/organizations/018f6e77-f5f5-7bcb-b98f-9966e7a8b706" } }, "id": "018f6e77-f5f5-7bcb-b98f-9966e7a8b706", "name": "The Drain Gang Inc 7", "address": "1", "created_at": 1715556106613, "updated_at": 1715556106613 } ], "pagination": { "next_cursor": "eyJpZCI6IjAxOGY2ZTc3LWY1ZjUtN2JjYi1iOThmLTk5NjZlN2E4YjcwNiJ9", "total_items": 2 } } ``` ## POST **/organizations/{organization_id}/participants** Add new employee ### Request body: * name (string) * position (string) * wallet_address (string) ### Example Request: ``` bash curl --request POST \ --url http://localhost:8081/organizations/018fb419-c3ad-7cda-81b8-cad30211b5fb/participants \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer token' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "name":"dodik", "position":"employee", "wallet_address":"0x8b1bc2590A3C9A1FEb349f1BacAfbc92CBC50156" }' ``` Response: ``` json { "_type": "participant", "_links": { "self": { "href": "/organizations/018fb419-c3ad-7cda-81b8-cad30211b5fb/participants/018fb42c-81dc-77f8-9eac-9d0540b34441" } }, "id": "018fb42c-81dc-77f8-9eac-9d0540b34441", "name": "dodik2", "created_at": 1716714766812, "updated_at": 1716714766812, "is_user": false, "is_admin": false, "is_owner": false, "is_active": false } ``` ## GET **/organizations/{organization_id}/participants** Get organization participants ### Request body: * ids (string array) ### Example Request: ``` bash curl --request GET \ --url http://localhost:8081/organizations/018fb419-c3ad-7cda-81b8-cad30211b5fb/participants \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MTY3OTk5MjgzMzIsInVpZCI6IjAxOGZiNDE5LTliZjctN2QwOS05MzViLTNiOTAyNDc3ZDJkYiJ9.V_d3b8MvuOp01xDGX0g5Ab2nOvdyGL84WO01xPodTro' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "ids":[ "018fb419-9bf7-7d09-935b-3b902477d2db", "018fb42c-1a60-7dd3-841a-fccce8575091", "018fb42c-20b7-7c06-acb6-03b3ccb8b7e5" ] }' ``` Response: ``` json { "_type": "participants", "_links": { "self": { "href": "/organizations/018fb419-c3ad-7cda-81b8-cad30211b5fb/participants" } }, "participants": [ { "_type": "participant", "_links": { "self": { "href": "/organizations/018fb419-c3ad-7cda-81b8-cad30211b5fb/participants/018fb419-9bf7-7d09-935b-3b902477d2db" } }, "id": "018fb419-9bf7-7d09-935b-3b902477d2db", "name": "Bladee The Grand Drainer", "credentials": { "email": "bladeee@gmail.com", "phone": "+79999999999", "telegram": "@thebladee" }, "created_at": 1716724338478, "updated_at": 1716724338478, "is_user": true, "is_admin": true, "is_owner": true, "is_active": true }, { "_type": "participant", "_links": { "self": { "href": "/organizations/018fb419-c3ad-7cda-81b8-cad30211b5fb/participants/018fb42c-1a60-7dd3-841a-fccce8575091" } }, "id": "018fb42c-1a60-7dd3-841a-fccce8575091", "name": "New Employee", "created_at": 1716725540320, "updated_at": 1716725540320, "is_user": false, "is_admin": false, "is_owner": false, "is_active": false }, { "_type": "participant", "_links": { "self": { "href": "/organizations/018fb419-c3ad-7cda-81b8-cad30211b5fb/participants/018fb42c-20b7-7c06-acb6-03b3ccb8b7e5" } }, "id": "018fb42c-20b7-7c06-acb6-03b3ccb8b7e5", "name": "New Employee", "created_at": 1716725541943, "updated_at": 1716725541943, "is_user": false, "is_admin": false, "is_owner": false, "is_active": false } ] } ``` ## POST **/organizations/{organization_id}/multisig** Multisig deployment ### Request body: * title (string) * owners (array of object { "public_key":"string" }) * confirmations (uint) ### Example Request: ``` bash curl --request POST \ --url http://localhost:8081/organizations/018fb246-1616-7f1b-9fe2-1a3202224695/multisig \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer token' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "title":"new sig", "owners":[ "0x5810f45ac87c0be03b4d8174132e2bc81ba1a928" ], "confirmations":1 }' ``` Response: ``` json { "Ok": true } ``` ## GET **/organizations/{organization_id}/multisig** Multisig deployment ### Request body: ### Example Request: ``` bash curl --request GET \ --url http://localhost:8081/organizations/018fb246-1616-7f1b-9fe2-1a3202224695/multisig \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer token' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ }' ``` Response: ``` json { "_type": "multisigs", "_links": { "self": { "href": "/organizations/018fb61b-9f79-705a-bd92-59233ed15ac7/multisig" } }, "multisigs": [ { "id": "018fb61e-6c64-7a70-b677-992353389731", "title": "new sig", "owners": { "_type": "participants", "_links": { "self": { "href": "/organizations/018fb61b-9f79-705a-bd92-59233ed15ac7/participants" } }, "participants": [ { "_type": "participant", "_links": { "self": { "href": "/organizations/018fb61b-9f79-705a-bd92-59233ed15ac7/participants/018fb61b-76cb-71c1-8306-cea167411ac8" } }, "id": "018fb61b-76cb-71c1-8306-cea167411ac8", "name": "Bladee The Grand Drainer", "credentials": { "email": "bladeee@gmail.com", "phone": "+79999999999", "telegram": "@thebladee" }, "created_at": 1716758014713, "updated_at": 1716758014713, "is_user": true, "is_admin": true, "is_owner": true, "is_active": true } ] } } ] } ``` ## POST **/organizations/{organization_id}/payrolls** New payroll ## GET **/organizations/{organization_id}/payrolls** Fetch payrolls ## GET **/organizations/{organization_id}/license** Fetch licenses ## POST **/organizations/{organization_id}/license** New licese ## GET **/invite/{hash}** Open invite link ### Request body {} ### Example Request: ```bash curl --request GET \ --url http://localhost:8081/invite/YR9vO4ZXYTgtIyi4aScsi6UZr0vNS74x9b8Y8SKF84g= ``` Response: ```bash { "Ok": true } ``` ## POST **/invite/{hash}/join** Join with invite link // todo ## POST **/organizations/{organization_id}/participants/invite** Create new invite link ### Request body {} empty json ### Example Request: ```bash curl --request POST \ --url http://localhost:8081/organizations/018fb246-1616-7f1b-9fe2-1a3202224695/participants/invite \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer token' \ --header 'X-Seed: a b c 1 2 3' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data '{}' ``` Response: ```json { "link": "/018fb246-1616-7f1b-9fe2-1a3202224695/invite/%2nIYC4E6ipLjUpjH0ctbqGFkneMJoF3JW41I4tThgM=" } ``` # Deprecated ## GET **/{organization_id}/transactions** Feth txs ### Request body: ### Example Request: ``` bash curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8081/organizations/018f9078-af60-7589-af64-9312b97aa7be/transactions' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \ --data '{ "description":"New test tx!", "amount": 100, "to":"0x323b5d4c32345ced77393b3530b1eed0f346429d", "limit":1 }' ``` Response: ``` json { "_type": "transaction", "_links": { "self": { "href": "/organizations/{organization_id}/transactions" } }, "id": "018f8ce2-dada-75fb-9745-8560e5736bec", "description": "New test tx!", "organization_id": "018f8ccd-2431-7d21-a0c2-a2735c852764", "created_by": "018f8ccc-e4fc-7a46-9628-15f9c3301f5b", "amount": 100, "to": "MjtdTDI0XO13OTs1MLHu0PNGQp0=", "max_fee_allowed": 5, "deadline": 123456767, "created_at": 1716055628507, "updated_at": 1716055628507 } ``` ## POST **/{organization_id}/transactions** Add new tx ### Request body: * ids ([]uuid) * created_by (uuid) * to (string) * cancelled (bool) * confirmed (bool) * commited (bool) * expired (bool) * pending (bool) * cursor (string) * limit (int) * offset_date (unix milli time) ### Example Request: ``` bash curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8081/organizations/018f9112-1805-7b5e-ae30-7fc2151810f3/transactions' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \ --data '{ "to": "0xD53990543641Ee27E2FC670ad2cf3cA65ccDc8BD", "pending":true, "limit":1, "created_by":"018f9111-f0fb-708a-aec1-55295f5496d6" }' ``` Response: ``` json { "_type": "organizations", "_links": { "self": { "href": "/organizations/018f9112-1805-7b5e-ae30-7fc2151810f3/transactions" } }, "next_cursor": "eyJpZCI6IjAxOGY5MTE1LWU5NmItN2IxMi04Y2JiLWQxNTY5NDNkYjk5NCJ9", "transactions": [ { "_type": "transaction", "_links": { "self": { "href": "/organizations/018f9112-1805-7b5e-ae30-7fc2151810f3/transactions/018f9115-e96b-7b12-8cbb-d156943db994" } }, "id": "018f9115-e96b-7b12-8cbb-d156943db994", "description": "Test filter by TO!!!!!", "organization_id": "018f9112-1805-7b5e-ae30-7fc2151810f3", "created_by": "018f9111-f0fb-708a-aec1-55295f5496d6", "amount": 1234, "to": "0xD53990543641Ee27E2FC670ad2cf3cA65ccDc8BD", "max_fee_allowed": 2.5, "created_at": 1716136883437, "updated_at": 1716136883437 } ] } ```